Friday, September 9, 2011

Week of 09/05/11 - 09/09/11

Here is what we focused on in Math this week…

5th Grade - Place Value (Whole Numbers and Decimals)
Whole Numbers: Through HUNDRED BILLIONS
Decimals: Through THOUSANDTHS

Students worked on pronouncing both whole numbers and decimals correctly. We practiced comparing and ordering these numbers, as well. Given a list of 5-7 numbers, they were asked to order them from Greatest-to-Least or Least-to-Greatest.

4th Grade - Place Value (Whole Numbers and Decimals)
Whole Numbers: Through HUNDRED MILLIONS
Decimals: Through HUNDREDTHS

Students worked on pronouncing numbers, both whole numbers and decimals, correctly, comparing, and ordering. Given a list of 5-6 numbers, they were asked to order them from Greatest-to-Least or Least-to-Greatest.

3rd Grade - Place Value through HUNDRED THOUSANDS

We practiced comparing and ordering numbers. Given a list of 4-5 numbers, they were asked to order them from Greatest-to-Least or Least-to-Greatest.

2nd Grade - Adding Numbers up to 18 (with counters)

Students were given an addition sentence, such as “2 + _____ = 5”, and they were expected to figure out the missing number. This proved to be very difficult for some students because they automatically wanted to add 2 + 5 = 7, and then write 7 in the blank. To combat this problem, I have instructed the students to always go back and check their work after each question. The majority of the time, they recognize their error and get back on track.

1st Grade - Number Recognition up to 30

Students practiced counting and writing their numbers up to 30. The majority of the students were able to count to 30 with little-to-no hesitation. However, they did have difficulty when asked to point to a designated number on our Thirty Chart in class. Many students would have to count all the way from 1 to identify the number, opposed to simple pointing directly at it. Because of this, I have put a great deal of emphasis on writing our numbers this week, and in the coming weeks, in an effort to become more fluent with our recognition.

Mrs. Smith (: